ACHARYYANIDHI or Premanidhi proceeded to Santipur in the company of other devotees in order to meet Sree Chaitanya at the residence of Sree Advaitacharyya, when the Supreme Lord was staying there for ten days after His acceptance of Sannyasa. Sree Chaitanya, on His return from the South took up His residence at Puri. Sree Premanidhi came every year to Puri in the company of the devotees to meet the Supreme Lord.The resolution of the devotees....

Then finding the signs of the great being in that Child born from herself Devaki, transported with wonder, afraid of Kamsa, addressed Him with this hymn of praise:

Thou - Whose form has been spoken of as the Inexpressible, Primeval, Radiance that is the Brahman, transcending all quality - all change, The pure Essence, Immaterial, Free from effort - art even Vishnu Himself, the Light of the soul.

The externality of an activity, consisting of its exoteric or physical and esoteric or mental faces, is to be carefully distinguished from the function of the soul. Godhead can be approached and served only by the faculties of the soul. The soul has his spiritual body and mind. The pure soul is also capable of disclosing his eternal form and activity to the view of mortals.But as the faculties of the conditioned soul are in dormant....

On the day of Dol Purnima, the full-moon day of the Bengali month of Falgoon, in the year 1407 of the Saka Era corresponding to the 18th February of 1486, Mahaprabhu Sree Chaitanya appeared in this world. His life-history, described in contemporary biographical accounts of His deeds, however miraculous, is a matter of common knowledge which scarcely needs repetition here and we offer no apology for this little critical study of the same on the basis of those accounts.....

The notable feature of the day of Advent...

The village Brahmagiri is situated on the ancient road along the seacoast about sixteen miles to the south of the town to Puri. The place attracted great numbers of settlers from the south of India in very early times, evidently by its widely reputed sanctity. It occupied a commanding position on the road to the South.

Religious traditions current in the locality centre round the worship of Janardana-Vishnu, under the name of Sree Alalnath. The Alvars were Tamil saints who flourished many centuries before Sree Ramanuja, the last of the Alvars....

Worship is the preliminary stage on the path of the service of God. It is imperfect devotion. A constituent part of devotion is not the whole or perfect devotion. Worship is characterized by the sentiment of distant reverence for the objects of worship. It is service of God by means of objects of this world, based on the sentiment of reverence towards God that results from mundane considerations.

In worship there is thus present more or less the factor of reference to gross and subtle matter. The reverence which is so prominent.....

Lord Chaitanya renounced the world and accepted sannyas in the bright fortnight of the month of Magh in 1510 A.D. at the age of twenty-four. The Supreme Lord arrived at Puri in the month of Falgoon. He witnessed the Dolafestival at Puri...

Set upon the finger
Of woman, man and child
Gleams a golden circlet
Pure and undefiled

‘Tis the precious, passing hour,
Sixty diamond minutes crowned;
Yet how oft the circlet falls....

ACCORDING to all authorities Sri Krishna Tattwa is absolute cognitive Principle unlimited by anything else. From His very nature, therefore, He is unattainable by our intellectual faculties as they are at present constituted. Human knowledge is based upon limiting relativity and cannot conceive of the Absolute who includes both and is unlimited by time and space; and this will be more apparent if we take into account the following considerations.